Dr. Elizabeth Blades


Is your tranquility disrupted by chaos or feeling overwhelmed? Burned out? Stressed and anxious? In pain and worried, blocked, maybe dealing with fright-flight-fight-freeze response?

Perhaps you search for celestial guidance, or for the means to liberate yourself, reassured by a course of action that will provide direction, recovery, relief and release.


ORACLE CARD READINGS. Like Tarot cards, Oracle Cards are an “ancient, time-honored way to connect with Higher Source, including Angels, Spirit Guides, and Ascended Masters. They only attract the loving celestial energy of the messengers of God”, based on the Law of Attraction”. (Doreen Virtue)

PENDULUM DIVINATION. As with Oracle Cards, the pendulum (such as a quartz crystal on a chain) is a means of communication with Higher Source. Directed questions provide “Yes-No” answers, simply and clearly.

REIKI is a “technique that uses energy force to reduce stress and anxiety and encourage relaxation”. The method uses gentle touch and placement for healing. Reiki can do no harm and has no side effects.

EMOTIONAL FREEDOM TECHNIQUE (EFT), AKA “TAPPING”. Tapping is “a powerful stress relief technique…based on the combined principles of ancient Chinese acupressure and modern psychology”.

BASED ON THE WORK OF MOSHE FELDENKRAIS  AWARENESS THROUGH MOVEMENT  is a self-discovery process using movement. Its aim is to free an individual to perform with minimum effort and maximum efficiency, using the “organic”learning style of our early childhood. The movements are simple, gentle, pleasant, exploratory, and fun, leading to an enhanced joie de vivre.

All of these services are available in person, virtually (ZOOM or FaceTime) as well as by phone.



Usui Reiki Ryoho is an ancient hands-on healing art that intentionally channels ki energy to promote balance and well-being. The term Reiki (pronounced “ray key”), meaning Universal Life Energy. Rei represents the source of this energy and ki represents the energy’s movement within and around us.*  It can also be thought of as “Universal and unconditional love”.

A Certified Reki Practitioner is one who has been trained and attuned to Reiki energy by a Reiki Master, such as myself.

The Reiki Practitioner acts as a channel for ki to flow through the palm chakras and automatically to areas that need healing. The recipient may feel warmth, or may not feel anything. Even so, the Reiki energy is flowing.

*  From The Everything Reiki Book. Desy, Phylameana lila. 2004 (Avon, Massachusetts: Adams Media)


With roots in modern psychology combined with ancient acupuncture practice, EFT (also known as “tapping) has become an effective self-help technique available to everyone. An EFT specialist will guide you to identify and alleviate psychological and emotional problems and, using The Basic Recipe (and, more deeply, The Full Gamut), quickly and easily experience relief.


The Feldenkrais Method is named after its originator, Dr. Moshe Feldenkrais (1904-1984), physicist and judo practitioner. While dealing with a recurrent knee injury, he developed this approach to wellness as mind-body- awareness and exploration that leads to improved functioning (health).

Feldenkrais work is a self-discovery process using movement. Its aim is to produce an individual organized to perform with minimum effort and maximum efficiency. Efficient organization is developed using the “organic” learning style of our early childhood; the way we learned to hold our head up, crawl, and so on. As such, it is an open-ended developmental learning process which, like making music, offers infinite possibilities for refinement.

The movements are simple, gentle, pleasant, exploratory, and fun. They are usually repeated a number of times to clarify and enhance performance. The focus is always on the how to of the movement, not the how much, how fast, or how hard. The movement always starts where the person is now. People are asked only to perform what they can do comfortably.

In applying the Feldenkrais, individuals are led through movement sequences designed to introduce or clarify a function (e.g. sitting, breathing, reaching forward, or a more complicated function). Thus, they are led to “discover” a better way to perform this function, a way that involves more of themselves than their habitual way. Because, for the most part, this discovery involves the part of the nervous system that controls movement, as opposed to conceptual consciousness, “thinking,” changes tend to be retained and often amplified. Typically, the changes in functional capacity are accompanied by greater pleasure in movement and performing (music, dancing, sports, etc.).

From Singing With Your Whole Self: The Feldenkrais Method and Voice, Nelson and Blades, Rowman & Littlefield, 2018


For over 35 years, I have been a light-seeker, asking deeply soulful questions, exploring all manner of spiritual and holistic modalities. While a number of them resonated with me, I delved most deeply into the following:

I am a Third-Degree (Master) Reiki Practitioner, an Angel Communicator, Energy Worker, Certified Spiritual Healer, Emotional Freedom Technique specialist, and Certified CoreSinging Teacher. I am also a published author (several books, including the one listed above as well as The Feldenkrais Method for Instrumentalists, Rowman and Littlefield, 2024with advanced degrees in the sciences and musical arts.

My mission is to help others find healing and balance in life. I am pleased to offer these integrated therapies.


Choose from one modality, or mix and match from two. For example, select: 

  • Angel-card Oracle reading coupled with Reiki
  • EFT “Tapping” with a Feldenkrais “Awareness Through Movement” Mini-ATM lesson.
  • Pendulum “Yes or No” question with Angel-card Oracle reading

               Custom-design your session as fits your needs

           ONE-HOUR SESSION                                  $60.00

        THIRTY-MINUTE SESSION                           $35.00

        TEN-MINUTE SESSION                                $20.00

        Longer sessions at discounted rates (for example,

        90 minutes for $75.00) may also be arranged prior to booking.